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December 04, 2003

Bernard M. Shanley Remembered in Drinker Biddle Tribute

FLORHAM PARK, NJ (December 4, 2003) — Drinker Biddle paid tribute to the life and the man, Bernard M. Shanley, founder of Shanley & Fisher, P.C., in a ceremony on Wednesday, December 3, 2003, recognizing Bernard M. Shanley's contributions to the fields of law, community, and politics. The evening program featured an unveiling of the Newark Museum portrait of Mr. Shanley, on loan to the firm, as well as a dedication of the Florham Park main conference room as the "Bernard M. Shanley Conference Room." Drinker Biddle and Shanley & Fisher combined in 1999, and now practice under the name Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.

"Bern Shanley exemplified the values and attributes that are the hallmark of honorable men," noted Drinker Biddle Chairman, James M. Sweet. "Drinker Biddle's legacy is stronger for having had such a stalwart leader molding the next generation of attorneys."

Mr. Shanley was perhaps most well-known for his work with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He served under President Eisenhower as Deputy Chief of Staff, Appointments Secretary and Special Counsel. His work in politics extended throughout state and national political arenas. Long-time friend and partner Thomas F. Campion recalled, "Bern Shanley was passionate about politics and change. He was truly a catalyst for the political environment, working tirelessly to improve government and law for all people." Mr. Campion continues his law practice as a Partner with Drinker Biddle.

As an integral contributor to and supporter of the Republican Party, Mr. Shanley served as the Chairman of the New Jersey Republican Finance Committee and Council of Legal Advisors, as well as the Republican National Committeeman for New Jersey from 1960 through 1964, and again from 1968 until his death in February 1992.

Bernard Shanley was a man who lived what he believed, and who taught the moral lessons which he worked to uphold. Drinker Biddle, recognized as one of the leading firms to provide pro bono services, draws its New Jersey legacy in this area from the standards for such work established by Shanley & Fisher. Mr. Shanley ensured that his firm was committed to community involvement, and today Drinker Biddle continues that same tradition.

Most recently, the Florham Park office of Drinker Biddle was recognized as the "2003 Law Firm of the Year," by the Legal Services Foundation of Essex County's (LSF) Volunteer Lawyers for Justice program (VLJ). Noted Daniel F. O'Connell, Partner in Charge of Drinker Biddle, Florham Park, "Bern Shanley's legacy is evidenced by the pro bono contributions made by Drinker Biddle. That commitment continues today because of the bloodline established through Shanley & Fisher."

Bernard Shanley's commitment to his community was as strong as his political participation. He served as Chairman of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and was a member of the Advisory Board of St. Benedict's Preparatory School, which he attended in his youth. In addition, Mr. Shanley was a Trustee of the Victoria Foundation, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Tri-County Scholarship Fund for the Diocese of Paterson.

Recalled John Kandravy, one of Bernard Shanley's partners, "Bern believed civic participation was a responsibility of every citizen, whether through political, financial or volunteer means. He epitomized his beliefs, living by example." Mr. Kandravy continues today as a Partner with Drinker Biddle.

Mr. Shanley began his career in law in 1929. A Fordham University Law School graduate, he was a member of the New Jersey Bar and the United States Supreme Court Bar. His law career was quite extensive, and his professional memberships included Fellow of the American Bar Foundation for life, The American Bar Association, the Essex County and Somerset County Bar Associations, and The American Judicature Society.

During World War II Mr. Shanley served in the United States Army from 1942 through 1945. In 1990, he received the Medal of St. Benedict. Earlier he had been designated a Knight of St. Gregory by Pope John Paul II.

Throughout his life, Bernard Shanley managed to keep his multiple commitments to law, community, and politics equally balanced, ensuring that each received his attention to its fullest. "Bern was a man who knew the importance of involvement," remarked Gerald M. Hull, Drinker Biddle Partner, and former Shanley & Fisher Partner. "Bern helped all of us who were growing into the business of law understand that our importance on this earth was not solely based on our titles as attorneys. He saw our job as one that integrates all aspects of our lives into doing good for everyone."