Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
March 10, 2015

T-CAM Roundtable Lunch Series

Session One: Evolving Standards for Injunctive Relief in Trademark and False Advertising Suits

Minneapolis, MN


Please join the Faegre Baker Daniels trademark, copyright, advertising and media (T-CAM) practice for a series of three roundtable lunch seminars. These sessions bring legal and marketing professionals together for a guided discussion on current trends and developments in this area of law.

Evolving Standards for Injunctive Relief in Trademark and False Advertising Suits
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in eBay, courts are increasingly questioning the long-established presumption of irreparable harm in trademark and false advertising suits and grappling with the nature and quantity of proof of harm required to support grant of an injunction. At the same time, increased nationalization of markets in the Internet age has called into question the continued application of the long-established geographic limitations on injunctive relief most associated with the opinion in Dawn Donut. This session will explore the current status and likely development of standards for injunctive relief in trademark and false advertising cases, and will suggest steps that can be taken to best position your company to win injunctive relief when the need arises.                      

Speakers: Peter Routhier and Jim Steffen

There is no fee to participate. An application for Minnesota CLE has been submitted.

Questions? Please contact Shannon Sprock at +1 303 607 3708 or shannon.sprock@faegredrinker.com.


Faegre Baker Daniels
2200 Wells Fargo Center
90 S. Seventh Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402


11:30 a.m. - Noon CST | Registration and Lunch
Noon - 1:00 p.m. CST | Presentation