T-CAM Roundtable Lunch Series
Session Two: Evolving Standards for Injunctive Relief in Trademark and False Advertising Suits
Minneapolis, MN
Please join the Faegre Baker Daniels trademark, copyright, advertising and media (T-CAM) practice for
a series of three roundtable lunch seminars. These sessions bring legal and marketing professionals together for a guided discussion on current trends and developments in this area of law.
The Contract Your Marketing Department Forgot to Show You: IP, Privacy and Other Issues
in Vendor Agreements
This session will provide a fast-paced overview of key issues arising in vendor and other marketing agreements, including IP ownership, data use and confidentiality, termination and transition, IT or software-based marketing tools, and others. The speakers will provide tips and strategies for identifying, addressing and negotiating these issues.
Speakers: Leita Walker, Craig Komanecki and Courtney Lawrence
There is no fee to participate. An application for Minnesota CLE has been submitted.
Questions? Please contact Shannon Sprock at +1 303 607 3708 or shannon.sprock@faegredrinker.com.
Faegre Baker Daniels
2200 Wells Fargo Center
90 S. Seventh Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Related Legal Services
11:30 a.m. - Noon CST | Registration and Lunch
Noon - 1:00 p.m. CST | Presentation