John Przypyszny Comments on Florida HEA Lawsuit With University World News
In “Accreditation Experts Fire Back on Florida HEA Lawsuit,” University World News turned to education partner John Przypyszny for his commentary on Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ recent decision to sue the federal government over the regulation in the Higher Education Act (HEA) that in order to receive any type of federal funding, higher education institutions must be accredited by an independent body.
“This isn’t something that the agency made up. The department reviews each accrediting agency. To be recognized as accredited, you go through a very, very thorough, and extensive process,” Przypyszny explained.
He commented on Florida’s invocation of the U.S. Constitution’s Appointments Clause, noting, “If they’re saying that the appointment of an accreditor is on the same level as a U.S. Senator or a judge or Secretary of State or undersecretary, that’s also not true.”
Regarding Florida’s argument that the HEA violates the Spending Clause found in the Constitution’s First Article, Przypyszny explained that the argument does not hold water.
Przypyszny emphasized that Florida’s case has as much to do with the government of Florida’s view that it is entitled to federal dollars but does not want to submit itself to federal requirements. He predicted that if Florida were to win, it would have a major detrimental impact on higher education in the U.S.