Steven Kennedy Speaks to Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal About Mental Wellness in the Legal Industry
Corporate partner and Minneapolis office leader Steven Kennedy participated in a Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal (MSPBJ) panel discussion on mental wellness in the legal profession, including discussing the mental health resources and support Faegre Drinker provides its attorneys, consulting professionals and professional staff.
“I think it’s incumbent on us as professional service firms to make it okay for people to be concerned about their mental health,” Kennedy said. “It’s not only the right thing for people, but it’s also the right thing for the success of your business.”
“We took the step to hire…an independent consultant, to be full-time and accessible on a confidential basis,” Kennedy added. “Having this additional independent resource as a first point of contact has doubled the number of people who are accessing our mental health resources.”
When asked how the firm approaches young attorneys who may struggle with anxiety or imposter syndrome, Kennedy explained, “We start by making sure that everyone has a mentor. One of the key messages from the very beginning is that everyone felt this way when they were coming out of law school. Ultimately, it’s okay for you to accept that you’re just starting. You’re human. You’re starting from the beginning of a career, and it’s okay not to know everything.”
The full article is available for MSPBJ subscribers.