Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.


Eleni Michaela provides support and strategic legal counsel to clients on the full range of financial matters, including transactions, restructurings and credit arrangements. Eleni has particular experience supporting the due diligence process, including reviewing sale documentation and company incorporations, and drafting various documents for several deals.

Prior Experience

Before joining Faegre Drinker, Eleni completed her training contract at a major international law firm.

Related Industries



Solicitor of the Courts of England & Wales [Solicitors Regulation Authority]


BPP Law School
LPC (2018)

University of Warwick
LL.B. 2:1 (2017)

Leadership & Community

Pro Bono

  • Succesfully appealed several Personal Independence Payment (PIP) decisions on behalf of clients whose PIP was unfairly taken away.
  • Helped to create, and provided ongoing legal support to, Girls Are Investors (GAIN), a company aimed at increasing the number of female employees in investment banks, and YouBeYou, a company aimed at breaking down gender stereotypes in young children.


  • Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales, 2024
  • Faegre Drinker — Pro Bono Honor Roll, 2022-24
Awards Methodology
No aspect of these recognitions has been approved by the highest court of any state.