Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.

Michael E. Rothpletz, Jr.


This attorney has been selected for the recognitions mentioned herein, which have been conferred by the corresponding publications and/or organizations noted. An overview of the award selection methodologies for these recognitions can be found here. Links to certain specific methodologies are embedded in individual entries. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.


Michael Rothpletz represents investors, developers and corporate real estate users in a wide range of real estate law matters. He handles purchases and sales, financings, leases, joint venture agreements, commercial condominiums, conservation easements, construction and development related contracts, and a host of other real estate law-related matters.

Developer/Investor Counsel

As a lead outside counsel to several prominent investors/developer clients, Michael serves on and manages a team of lawyers that oversees all aspects of their real estate needs, ranging from regularly handling large, multifaceted transactions to providing counsel in connection with their day-to-day matters.

Corporate Client Counsel

Michael represents corporate clients in a variety of matters, including headquarters sales and lease transactions, acquisitions and dispositions, and leasing.

Individual Owners/Investors

Michael represents individuals in their real estate law-related matters, including conservation and agricultural preservation transactions.

Ancillary Services

Michael oversees and coordinates lawyers from other practice areas, such as litigators and tax, environmental, labor and construction lawyers, in providing counsel to real estate clients.

Speaking Experience

Michael is a frequent speaker on real estate law topics. He has presented on ground leases to the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and speaks often on various real estate law topics to the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education.

Personal Interests

Michael lives with his wife and two sons on a farm in Tewksbury, New Jersey. He enjoys farm work and riding horses.

Insights & Events

Leadership & Community

Pro Bono

Michael led the successful effort to preserve hundreds of acres of family farmlands and woodlands for future generations.

He was a founding member of a land trust established for land preservation, and of an education foundation set up to raise money to supplement the budget of local public schools. Michael has provided pro bono real estate legal services to the land trust and other nonprofit institutions.

Professional Associations

  • American College of Real Estate Lawyers — Fellow (Vice Chair, Programs Committee)
  • National Association of Office and Industrial Properties

Firm Leadership

  • Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP — Former Chair, Real Estate Group


  • Chambers USA — Band 1, New Jersey, Real Estate, 2012-24
    This award is conferred by Chambers & Partners. A description of the methodology is available here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
  • Chambers USA — New Jersey, Real Estate, 2004-11
    This award is conferred by Chambers & Partners. A description of the methodology is available here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
  • Best Lawyers® — Real Estate Law, 2020-25
    This award is conferred by Best Lawyers. A description of the methodology is available here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
  • Lexology Index — Real Estate, 2023-24
    This award is conferred by Lexology. A description of the selection methodology is available here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
  • New Jersey Super Lawyers — 2005-21, 2024-25
    This award is conferred by Thomson Reuters. A description of the selection methodology is available here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
Awards Methodology
No aspect of these recognitions has been approved by the highest court of any state.