November 2, 2015

Ken Dort Quoted in Law 360

Chicago partner Ken Dort was quoted in a recent Law360 article titled, “GCs Find Liability Shield In Cybersecurity Info-Sharing Bill.”

The article discussed the recent Senate vote to pass the Cybersecurity Information Act, which will offer certain protections from liability for companies that choose to share information on cyberattacks and cyber threats among themselves and with the federal government.

Ken gave his insight on the international impact of this bill, especially regarding the recent invalidation of the Safe Harbor data transfer pact between the U.S. and EU.  Ken suggests that the current process may not help the perception in the EU that the U.S. doesn’t have sufficiently strong data privacy laws, especially with lingering concerns that the U.S. government might use this shared data for purposes unrelated to cybersecurity.

Read: GCs Find Liability Shield In Cybersecurity Info-Sharing Bill