April 10, 2018

Drinker Biddle Receives 2018 Promotion of Women in the Law Award from the Pennsylvania Bar Association

Drinker Biddle has been chosen as the 2018 recipient of the Promotion of Women in the Law Award from the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP).

The Promotion of Women in the Law Award recognizes Pennsylvania law firms, solo practitioners, corporate legal departments, and other organizations providing legal services that “have instituted programs or initiatives that help women lawyers continue and advance in their careers while maintaining a work/life balance.”

“We are honored to receive this award, which highlights our dedication to creating a work environment where all lawyers can achieve their full potential,” said Andrew C. Kassner, Chairman and CEO of Drinker Biddle. “One of our firm’s core values is to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace.”

Earlier this year, Drinker Biddle announced that women now comprise half of the firm’s Managing Partners and Executive Management Team, a milestone for the advancement of women’s leadership in the legal industry.

The firm has a variety of policies and programs that help all lawyers, including women, thrive in their professional and personal lives, including a gender neutral parental leave policy that supports leave time and flexible schedules and an alternative work arrangement policy that allows for reduced hour schedules and remote work.

The firm’s Women’s Leadership Committee works across the firm’s offices on various initiatives to attract, retain and promote women attorneys, addressing business generation skills and networking, family friendly policies, and facilitating opportunities for women to advance to leadership positions internally and externally. Drinker Biddle also offers a mentoring program and has an in-house career counselor to provide confidential career planning advice to non-partner lawyers.

The Promotion of Women in the Law Award will be presented at the PBA WIP annual conference luncheon in May.

Read the Pennsylvania Bar Association announcement.

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