October 22, 2019

Lynne Anderson Quoted by Law360 on Pay Equity Lawsuits at the State Level

In the article “Risks Are Now Higher for Law Firms That Ignore Pay Gaps,” Law360 turned to Florham Park partner Lynne Anderson for insight into the risks that law firms face involving pay equity laws and gender bias lawsuits at the state level.

The legal industry publication discussed the need for law firms to conduct pay audits in order to fend off regulatory risk, an area covered by panelists at the First Chair Equal Pay Summit in Chicago, Ill.

After President Barack Obama implemented a number of policies aimed at improving gender parity in pay, the Trump administration has largely undone those efforts on the federal level, and that has prompted a major backlash among state and local governments, which have taken enforcement into their own hands, Anderson told Law360.

“What we saw is there was a perfect storm where states and local governments said, ‘We’ll fill the gap,”” Anderson said. “We’re seeing activity on steroids at the state level when it comes to legislation to address the gender gap.”

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