Carl Pebworth Discusses Pro Bono Promotion Efforts in Indiana with Indiana Lawyer
In the article, “Prepared for pro bono: Collective pro bono platform to offer free trainings in variety of practice areas,” Indiana Lawyer reported on the proposed Pro Bono Academy and Resource Center, a platform that would serve as a “one-stop shop” for Indiana attorneys, paralegals and staff who provide, or want to provide, civil legal aid.
The publication turned to Indianapolis senior counsel Carl Pebworth, who attended a pro bono retreat hosted by the Indiana Bar Foundation and Indiana Coalition for Court Access, for his experience and dedication to promoting Indiana’s pro bono efforts.
Pebworth shared that there’s an opportunity to invest in strategic planning for pro bono services that retreats like this can foster.
“That would include thinking about how to develop and broaden the pool and resources of attorneys who will do pro bono work, identifying and clarifying the kinds of work that pro bono volunteers are best suited for, and working to identify the barriers and obstacles that currently exist to prevent furthering strategic expansion of access to civil legal resources,” Pebworth said.
The full article is available for Indiana Lawyer subscribers.