November 30, 2023

The Proposed DOL Fiduciary Rule: Significant Changes for Advisers

IAA Today

Benefits and executive compensation partner Fred Reish and counsel Joan Neri coauthored an article for IAA Today on the proposed fiduciary rule issued by the Department of Labor (DOL).

The authors highlight key provisions of the proposal and the amendments to prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) 2020-02 that will potentially impact investment advisers. They also note that the next step is for the DOL to receive comments on the proposed changes and develop a final regulation, and they reasonably expect final rules in mid-year 2024.

In conclusion, Reish and Neri recommend that advisers review policies, procedures and disclosures and consider how these changes could be addressed.

The full article is available for Investment Adviser Association members, as previously published in IAA Today.

Full Article