May 17, 2022

Long-Term Care Insurance: Wellness Program Impacts on Claims and Health Outcomes

Insurance partner Nolan Tully and associate Jamie Campisi coauthored an article for LexisNexis Practical Guidance that discusses how wellness programs can be used to potentially prevent, delay or lower the severity of long-term care claims and improve health outcomes.

The authors give an overview of the wellness programs, noting that they are largely focused on pre-insurance-claim intervention but that services can be provided to healthy, at-risk and on-claim populations alike. Tully and Campisi provide examples of wellness initiatives, including engagement initiatives, support wellness interventions and care wellness programs.

Managed care programs existing outside of traditional long-term care insurance have been successful, and the authors provide examples of wellness programs that demonstrate significant benefits. Tully and Campisi also acknowledge the current challenges in wellness program implementation and how the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is confronting them.

This excerpt from Practical Guidance, a comprehensive resource providing insight from leading practitioners, is reproduced with the permission of LexisNexis. Reproduction of this material, in any form, is specifically prohibited without written consent from LexisNexis

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